Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Holding on...

 These two big kids are down the road at Canyonview Horse Camp for 3 nights and four days! I just got off the phone with Ben the Man who was  calling to"check in on you." Homesickness goes both ways buddy.
 This girl and her mommy have been treasuring our last week together before she sets off for kindergarten. What a blessing to have her all to myself while Daddy is in Idaho and the kids are at camp. We have had our own little adventures and she officially said goodbye to her training wheels today. (Thank you Wyatt!)
 Because Mommy is going through some major emotional issues about letting her little ones go she said yes to the crazy idea of adopting these two fur balls. The calico is Zibby's and she named her "Rosie", the orange tabby is AbbySue's and she named him "Pippin." Ben told us he now "gets Dot" even though he has developed an allergy to cats.
 Loving when he's home.
  Holding on to all of these precious memories and any of our fruits and veggies that the deer haven't gotten to first!

Goodbye August...you've been lovely.

1 comment:

  1. LOVELY picture of you two!
    i am hoping to make something with those plumbs tomorrow.. thank you :) love you blog style update btw. very classy.
    hugs to ya sista!
