Friday, June 25, 2010

Chilson Beach

The kids and I found a "favorite place" just a few miles down the road from our house. It's a private beach on a lake owned by the city of Franklin. We paid $75 to use it anytime we want, all summer long. There are four life guards, a playground, perfect sand, and great swimming. (chlorine free!) Needless to say, we have already gone 3 times this week! It has truly been a blessing, especially since Aaron has been working in San Diego until Saturday. It's been amazing to watch Abby Sue and Ben swim (all by themselves:) out to the anchored dock with all the other big kids and catch fish (with nets). There are a lot of fish in the fact it kinda freaked Zibby out.
The other day Abby Sue, Ben, & Zibby made friends with a family of 4 kids...all with the most beautiful black skin you ever saw. I couldn't help but smile to myself watching them all play "Sharks and Minnows". Instant friends...without judgement. It made me wonder why we can't be more like them, and see the friend before we see the difference?
Lately I feel like we haven't just moved. I feel like, for some reason, we have all been given a fresh start. Not that life was anything but blessed before...I just think that I'm starting to see this as more of a beginning for us as a family. His story, written especially for the five of us. I have no idea if we will be here for 2 or 20 years. I'm not supposed to know or worry about that. I just know that we have been taken out and placed here for a purpose, and that is.. to witness the wonderful love of God.

p.s. what's the home-remedy for homesickness???


  1. chocolate chip cookies-and that is my professional opinion!

  2. I knew it!! In fact I just took the butter outta the fridge to make some for tomorrow!! Thank you. Dr. Des!

  3. I thought for sure Dr. Des would prescribe cheesecake...

  4. I was thinking you should just skip the cookies and go for the cookie dough:)
