Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A masterpiece is made of shadow and light

Thirteen years old under the grapevine wearing the dress I wore for my eighth grade graduation
This growing up thing is awkward and uncomfortable and unpredictable and unpleasant and...


It's just the way God creates the loveliest masterpiece.


  1. Sorry for this totally random comment!

    I saw that you became friends on facebook with a friend of mine, and I was like, "Wait, I've only ever met one Jennipher who spells her name like that..." and sure enough, there you were, the gal who led a discipleship group for junior high girls when I was in junior high! My name is Megan and my bestie back then is probably a bit more memorable--Emily, the spunky redhead :)

    Anyway, through facebook I found your blog, and I just read the whole first page of your blog, and it is so relatable, reminds me just exactly of the way you pointed our jr high hearts to God nearly 2 decades (ok...ouch) ago!

  2. Hello Megan! Of course I remember you and Emily! I'm so blessed by this! To think that God can use our lives to point others towards Him is just humbling. Blessings!
