Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Paper Hats

It's one of those things parents love. A Thanksgiving Feast school production. The tables were set, the parents brought pies and the fixings, and the kids reinacted that first time, as Pilgrims and Indians. Aaron and I smiled at our big kids. They have only been at their new school for a week and had memorized lines for the program. They looked happy. Ben, already a head taller than the rest of his third grade class balancing a tall black construction paper hat, and sweet AbbySue with her white paper bonnet tied with yarn under her chin. There were pomegranate seeds, jerky, cornbread, turkey, sweet potatoes, and my last minute contribution of Costco apple pie. I found their costumes last night at Goodwill. So, hats off to the Kookies for jumping right in.

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