Friday, April 10, 2009


Ben can play for hours on his own. Every school day he jumps off the bus, gobbles up his lunch, tells me all about his adventures, and then runs off to play. On this day, the sun was out warming up the front porch, so he decided to take his bucket of Lego's and camp out there for the afternoon. I'm always genuinely surprised at what he engineers out of those things. As I watched him play, I realized how much older he looked, and that he would soon be off at school all day. To say that I will miss his company is an understatement. But, I also get excited for all that God has ahead for him. I'm thankful for a small and wonderful school, where he is safe and challenged. I'm thankful that he is healthy and growing older, with his own ideas & opinions. I'm thankful most of all for his heart and the desire he has to understand God's love. He likes to tell me, "I love you sooo much Mommy, but I love God even more!" Next week he will be going to his first T-ball practice with Daddy. They are both very excited. I'm realizing that Ben has been under my wing for the past six years and now it's time to let him venture out a little bit more on his own. It seems like we are transitioning from "most of the time with mom" to "more time learning with dad". It is an important milestone in a young boys life and I am so grateful for Aaron, and the example that Ben has to look up to.

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